Our Workshops are designed to be full or modularized interactive sessions where your residents will have fun with common technology challenges and how to overcome them. The hope is to enable independence and find joy in the technology they need to be connected to loved ones, enjoy their retirement or just get a little more peace of mind. We will cover a myriad of topics in modules that can be customized to your residents needs. These sessions last up to 6 hours and may include the following:
- Communications – We cover email, voice, video, texting, chatting and other various forms of communication. We'll look at what's important when and how people can take advantage to the level of their comfort. This is all with keeping the purpose of fostering deep meaningful connection.
- Accessibility – In this topic, we take a look at ways to get computers to meet us where we're at. We'll look at tips and tricks to get screens that read clearly, ways we can get our computers to speak to us or even ways we can speak to them. Whether it's shaky hands, diminishing eyesight, loss of hearing or some other challenge, even the smallest tip or trick can make a world of difference. We'll deep dive into any area needed so participants get the help they need.
- Digital Security – With a constant barrage of --ishing attacks and hacking, awareness and security are more important than ever to protect nest-eggs and protect against identity theft. In this section, we will look at current ways people are trying to get personal information and how bad actors may come attempt to steal money. We discuss ways to stay vigilant and protect against the constant barrage.
- New Device Help – We can help get new devices set up during our workshops or at follow-up private sessions. The time is theirs and it can be utilized however they would like.
- New Technology – What out there is new and how can it benefit (or hurt) them
- Smart Home Technology – We'll look at some of the smart home technologies that can be a huge benefit to this community. Even things like turning off the lights or devices that help them to remember things.
- Printing – In this module, we'll cover ways to avoid printing and why they might want to. Many facilities may offer printing services but some residents may lack the means to get them what needs to be printer. We can help here.
- Wifi and Networks – We'll work with the facility administration to address any networking needs.